In at least 150 words, discuss Elie Wiesel’s internal conflict as he tries to reconcile his belief in God with his experiences in the concentration camp. Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

Respuesta :

In the book “Night”, one of Elie Wiesel's internal conflicts comes with his belief in God. In the beginning, Elie’s relationship with God seems to be strong, going as far as asking his father to help him find a master who could aid him with studying the Kabbalah. However, as his family is taken to Auschwitz and as his life changes, Elie’s faith is completely shaken. His faith starts declining and he goes from being a firm believer to someone who starts questioning the existence of God, as he cannot grasp why it is that God would let such horrible things happen to people. This is shown on page 45, when Elie expresses that he “was not denying His existence, but  doubted His absolute justice”. Then as time progresses, Elie feels like God has abandoned him and turn his back on the rest of Jews. This can be seen in page 68 where he states “My eyes had opened and I was alone, terribly alone in a world without God”. Elie becomes so angry with God that he stops praying and becomes distant from him.