The Earthquake in Haiti

The earthquake was something nobody was prepared for my family and I were lucky to survive but it could have been a whole different story. So me and my family we lived in the mountains in Kenscoff a little bit out of the capital. where everything was awesome my mom was and still is an artist, back then she used to paint on jewelry, clothing etc.

On the 12th of January, She had brought us some coal to heat us up because it was cold (in Haiti we have electricity problems you pay like thousands of dollars and you never get electricity). Anyways I was watching her paint until suddenly the earth started rumbling the first we really sat down and did nothing the second time we ran outside but are friend Robenson pulled our hands and told us: “do not go because if the house fell and you guys are outside the concrete would probably kill you but if you guys are inside with the zinc roof you would have way more chances to survive.” Luckily the house did not fall. We never actually knew what was happening until our neighbors told us they heard on the radio it was an earthquake. After all, our neighborhood came to the road that was outside our house to sleep outside some of us were getting some rest while some of us were listening to the radio. My dad was at work he finally arrived at four in the morning he said: “ How are you guys! I cannot believe what I just saw in the city...” My mom shuts him up and says: “please don't talk about it.” I was like: “mom I think the earth is mad.” We went inside and prepared our bags we had no communication so we couldn't communicate with our family members, so we went to our friend's house Jenny (she was like a mother to almost everyone in the neighborhood) so we all came with tents and slept there. We got sick badly from aftershock trauma. My parents went to visit our family in the city. I was with jenny drinking a lot of tea (I used to drink a lot of tea at her house.)

The aftermath of the earthquake was pretty bad. My families friend and president Rene Preval at the time estimated 170,000 deaths. A lot of buildings were destroyed including the presidential palace, the national assembly building, and the Port-Au-Prince cathedral. Most of the people that did not die suffered fro huge aftershock diseases including me and my dad. They were a lot of injured people. After the earthquake, a lot of Americans started coming to Jenny's house to help (our house cracked so we stayed at her house.) So most of them only spoke English and every time they came was hard to communicate with them so I asked my mom if she could teach me how to speak English and it actually helped me a lot. After the earthquake we-we stayed in Haiti. It was probably the worst experience of my life but I'm lucky to have survived.

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