Here are the main points for a speech on the Mayan civilization of Central America. I. The Mayan civilization flourished for more than a thousand years until 900 a.d., when it mysteriously began to disintegrate. II. Scientists have advanced three major explanations to account for this disintegration. These main points are arranged in ________ order.

Respuesta :

These main points are arranged in chronological order.

The Maya civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization that developed in the areas of southeastern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador. The Maya empire reached its peak around the sixth century A.D. The Maya excelled at hieroglyph writing, calendar-making and mathematics  as well as pottery. They left behind an impressive amount of impressive architecture, known worldwide as the great stone cities.

The disintegration of the Maya appeared around 900 A.D. There are three major explanation for decline and many competing theories:

1. The Maya had exhausted the environment around them and it could not longer sustain a very large population.

2. Constant wars between competing city-states led to the breakdown of the traditional family, military and trade alliances. The traditional system of dynastic power was destroyed, which caused chaos and more warfare.

3. Catastrophic environmental change like intensive, long term droughts wiped out the Maya. There was not enough rain water for drinking and crop irrigation.