Respuesta :

The correct answer is:  "B - horizons or "C-horizons" .


           →  primarily "B-horizons"


If there are answer choices, and there is an answer choice of:

        "B-horizons or C-horizons" ;  then choose this.


If there are answer choices of:  "select all that apply" :

   then select both:  "B-horizons" ;  and:  "C-horizons" .


If there is an answer choice that incorporates:

 "Both:  "B-horizons" and "C-horizons" are correct" ;'

    then choose that one.


If you can only choose one, then choose:  " B-horizons " .


Note that:  "B-horizons" and "C-horizons" do not necessary refer to the answer choice, per se .

Rather, as per the U.S.A. soil classification systems,

soil horizons, from the top to the bottom, are generally classfied as:


  O-horizon (top soil)


  A- horizon


  E-horizon (included in some cases).


  B- horizon (lots of nutrients).


  C horizon  (may be rocky or sandy).


Hope this helps!

Best wishes!
