Respuesta :
Democracy means the government made for the people, by the people and of the people. To make the democracy successful, rulers and ruled should be responsible about their code of conducts.
To institutionalize the democracy, people have to make a right choice about selecting their leader. They must have the knowledge about all the leaders and government policies. The people have to be aware about the responsibility and right that comes on them in democracy.
The ruler selected by the public should know the necessary policies for the welfare of the economy and the public. He must be fair in his conduct and work for the betterment.
Democracy is a rule 'of the people' by the people' and 'for the people'. The representatives of the people carry on the work of administration. For an ideal democracy both the rulers and the ruled should be responsible.It’s not by the people because we don’t get to vote on even basic and major policies. We merely get to elect a “man” put up by political parties among the smallest number of candidates. Our representatives are not obliged to represent us; they are just called by that name. Voting the man is not voting governmental affairs. Our government is not for the people because studies (including the lates Princeton study) have shown the US to be a plutocracy. The rich get about 80% of the policies they want. No matter how much we want it, the rest get what they want about 30%, 38% of the time? (I forget). (Notice that bills are not zero-sum affairs involving competition between rich and poor.)