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Jim Crow laws were a revised form of the slave codes that were used to regulate enslaved people prior to 1865. The Jim Crow system relied on the doctrine of separate but equal, which was affirmed in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896. These laws governed all aspects of interaction between African Americans and whites and extended to the social, economic, and political spheres. African Americans were denied basic civil rights (all of the nonpolitical rights of a citizens) as well as political rights (citizenship and the right to vote). They also endured segregated facilities in all aspects of public life from restaurants to educational institutions.

Jim crows laws were a collection of local and state statutes that legalized racial segregation.

  • The laws were enacted in the Southern states during the post-civil war era and lasted until 1964.
  • Their main purpose was to marginalize African Americans and to prevent them from getting the right to vote, education, hold jobs, or other opportunities.
  • The main purpose of these laws was to take away the political and economic gains made by black Americans during the reconstruction period.  
  • It was a legal way to put Black citizens into indentured servitude and to take away their voting rights, to control how they traveled and where they lived.
  • The people who violated Jim Crow laws faced jail sentences, arrest, death, and violence.  
  • These laws were declared valid by the Supreme court in the case Plessy vs. Ferguson in which the Supreme court ruled the doctrine of separate but equal for the various facilities for the African Americans.
  • With the doctrine, racial segregation was extended to transportation and public facilities including the coaches of interstate buses and trains.  Most of the facilities for the African Americas were underfunded and inferior compared to the facilities provided to white Americans.  

Jim Crow laws institutionalized educational, economic and social disadvantages for African Americans.  

The segregation was declared illegal with the Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Education in 1954.

Learn more about the Three-fifth compromise here:

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