
Choose the one with correct pronoun agreement.

A. A child can increase his self-confidence greatly by participating in physical activity.

B. If any one of the sisters needs a ride, they can call me.

C. If someone goes through school studying only science, they will complete only part of their education.

D The Washington team was opportunistic; they took advantage of every break.

Respuesta :

The answer is:

A. A child can increase his self-confidence greatly by participating in physical activity.

A pronoun takes the place or stands for a noun, called antecedent. Pronoun agreement is the correspondence in number between the pronoun and the antecedent.

In the example sentence, the antecedent "a child" agrees in number with the pronoun "his."

The pronoun agreement must match its antecedent in gender; if it is feminine use her, hers and she, and if it is masculine use he, him or his.

In option C the subject doesn’t have gender but is singular (someone), the right sentence is: If someone goes through school studying only science, he/she will complete only a part of their education

In option B the antecedent is “she” (any of the sisters), the right one would be: If any one of the sisters need a ride, she can call me

In option A the antecedent is “child” (neutral subject), the correct sentence would be: A child can increase his/her self-confidence greatly by participating in physical activity.

The correct sentence is option D, because the antecedent is Washington team (plural), it corresponds to subject they, that’s why is proper to use they took advantage of every break.