read this research question how is free verse poem define and what are the names of famous poet who wrote free verse poems which event search most accurately targets research material about this question

Respuesta :

A free verse poem is one that is written without a rhyme, rhythm or any particular structure. We can also say that those are the kind of poems or that is the kind of poetry whose lines don’t have a regular model which means that there can be two or more words that end with similar sounds.

Some of the most famous free verse poets or poems are the following:

  1. Emily Dickinson
  2. D. H. Lawrence
  3. Ezra Pound
  4. Wallace Stevens
  5. Robert Frost
  6. After the sea - ship by Walt Whitman
  7. Fog by Carl Sandburg
  8. Free verse by Robert Graves

And last but not least, remember that a free verse poem doesn't follow any rules.


good luck
