Respuesta :

Goals and values of the EU


The goals of the European Union are:

promote peace, its values and the well-being of its citizens

offer freedom, security and justice without internal borders

sustainable development based on balanced economic growth and price stability, a highly competitive market economy with full employment and social progress, and environmental protection

combat social exclusion and discrimination

promote scientific and technological progress

enhance economic, social and territorial cohesion and solidarity among EU countries

respect its rich cultural and linguistic diversity

establish an economic and monetary union whose currency is the euro.


The EU values are common to the EU countries in a society in which inclusion, tolerance, justice, solidarity and non-discrimination prevail. These values are an integral part of our European way of life:

Human dignity

Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected, protected and constitutes the real basis of fundamental rights.


Freedom of movement gives citizens the right to move and reside freely within the Union. Individual freedoms such as respect for private life, freedom of thought, religion, assembly, expression and information are protected by the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.


The functioning of the EU is founded on representative democracy. Being a European citizen also means enjoying political rights. Every adult EU citizen has the right to stand as a candidate and to vote in elections to the European Parliament. EU citizens have the right to stand as candidate and to vote in their country of residence, or in their country of origin.


Equality is about equal rights for all citizens before the law. The principle of equality between women and men underpins all European policies and is the basis for European integration. It applies in all areas. The principle of equal pay for equal work became part of the Treaty of Rome in 1957. Although inequalities still exist, the EU has made significant progress.

Rule of law

The EU is based on the rule of law. Everything the EU does is founded on treaties, voluntarily and democratically agreed by its EU countries. Law and justice are upheld by an independent judiciary. The EU countries gave final jurisdiction to the European Court of Justice which judgements have to be respected by all.

Human rights

Human rights are protected by the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. These cover the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, the right to the protection of your personal data, and or the right to get access to justice.

Thank and mark the brainlest