Match the definition to the term. 1 . object of the preposition the main idea or topic of the sentence 2 . subject the receiver of the verb's action 3 . predicate noun to or for whom or what something is done 4 . direct object the word or phrase in the predicate that renames the subject 5 . subject of gerund the noun or noun phrase following a preposition 6 . indirect object the word or phrase immediately following and renaming another word or phrase 7 . appositive a word or phrase that shows ownership of something or someone 8 . possessive noun a possessive word or phrase immediately preceding a gerund subject

Respuesta :

The answer is:

1. Object of the preposition – noun or noun phrase following a preposition

2. Subject – the main idea or topic of the sentence

3. Predicate noun – the word or phrase in the predicate that renames the subject

4. Direct object – the receiver of the verb’s action

5. Subject of gerund – a possessive word of phrase immediately preceding a gerund subject

6. Indirect object – to or for whom or what something is done

7. Appositive – a word or phrase immediately following and renaming another word or phase

8. Possessive noun – a word or phrase that shows ownership of something or someone

To further illustrate the answer, let us see some examples:

1. Object of the preposition: He is always talking about us. / He is always talking about what he expects from this trip.

2. Subject: He is always talking about us. / Thinking of leaving makes me sad.

3. Predicate noun: Jane is a nurse. / Joseph may become my husband soon.

4. Direct object: I baked a cake just for you.

5. Subject of gerund: Stella’s calling him last night made him regret breaking up with her.

6. Indirect object: I baked a cake just for you.

7. Appositive: My pet, a cat, is always bringing me dead bugs.

8. Possessive noun: My pet, a cat, is always bringing me dead bugs.

1. OBJECT OF THE PREPOSITION:  the noun or noun phrase following a preposition. For example: under the table (table is the object or noun - under is the preposition)

2. SUBJECT:  the main idea or topic of the sentence. It is the "doer" or agent of the action.

3. PREDICATE NOUN: the word or phrase in the predicate that renames the subject. It provides more information about the subject of the sentence and completes a linking verb (e.g the verb "to be").

4. DIRECT OBJECT:  the receiver of the verb's action. Besides, when a verb has a direct object, it is called "transitive verb". On the contrary, intransitive verbs do not have a direct object.

5. SUBJECT OF GERUND: a possessive word or phrase immediately preceding a gerund subject. In addition, a gerund is a verb that functions as a noun and it can also act as the subject in a sentence. Gerunds always end in "ing".

6. INDIRECT OBJECT: to or for whom or what something is done. It can be a person or a thing that the action of a verb is performed for or directed to. For example: He gave a flower to Ana. (to Ana is the indirect object).

7. APPOSITIVE: the word or phrase immediately following and renaming another word or phrase. It describes the word or phrase in another way. For example: Ben, my best friend, lives next door. (my best friend is an appositive of Ben).

8. POSSESSIVE NOUN: a word or phrase that shows ownership of something or someone. It is used with nouns referring to people, groups of people, countries, or animals so as to show "belonging" between one thing and another. In order to form the possessive, it is necessary to add apostrophe + s to the noun. For example: Peter's mother is my aunt.