Conformity based on a desire for approval is called _____ social influence. conformity based on the desire to be accurate is called _____ social influence.

Respuesta :

Conformity based on a desire for approval is called normative social influence.

Conformity based on the desire to be accurate is called informational social influence.

- Normative social influence is based off of wanting to fit in, and be "normal."

- Informational social influence is based off of wanting to be correct, or with the right perception.


Conformity based on  desire for approval is called "normative" social influence. Conformity based on the desire to be accurate is called "Informative" social influence.


To understand why normative/informational are the correct answers we have to understand what is each one of them

First, Normative social influence is a type of social influence that leads to conformity. In psychology, the concept says that Normative social influence is the influence of other individuals over the subject of study that guides the subject to conformation to win the acceptation from the other individuals. Pointing it as the need for companionship and belonging. So it is solely for social approval.

Now, in second place informative social influence is defined as the modeling of someone's behavior the adoption of someone's ideas or beliefs because the individual believes the other individual is right. Proofs or evidence play a major factor here.