I NEED Help its alot but i only got 10 points:
Chapter 9
1. What does Atticus feel the need to defend Tom Robinson?
2. What does Atticus mean when he says “Just because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win?” Do you agree or disagree with this? Why?
3. Why does Scout have mixed feelings about Christmas?
4. Describe Uncle Jack.
5. What do the children get for Christmas?
6. What problems does Aunt Alexandra have with the way Scout is being raised? How does Atticus feel about it?
7. Why does Scout punch Francis?
8. What are the complications of the trial that Atticus tells Jack?
Chapter 10
1. In the beginning of the chapter, why is Scout critical of her father? Do you agree with her sentiment?
2. According to Miss Maudie, why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird? How might this relate to the title of the book?
3. What skills does Miss Maudie say Atticus has? Why does Scout seem disinterested in these?
4. What is wrong with Tim Johnson?
5. What do Jem and Scout learn about Atticus? Why is Jem proud of Atticus? What does this show about Atticus’ character?
Chapter 11
1. Describe Mrs. Dubose.
2. What does Mrs. Dubose say that really angers Jem?
3. How does Jem react?
4. What is Jem’s punishment?
5. Why was Mrs. Dubose sick? What was her plan?
6. What lesson did Atticus want Jem to learn? What does this show about Atticus’ character?
7. Choose one character trait to describe Atticus. Choose one quote from chapters 1-11 to support that quote. Explain how that quote supports the trait.
8. Choose one character trait to describe Jem. Choose one quote from chapters 1-11 to support that quote. Explain how that quote supports the trait.
9. Choose one character trait to describe Scout. Choose one quote from chapters 1-11 to support that quote. Explain how that quote supports the trait.