I would say FALSE.
That's a tricky question, because in November, 1938, there was rampant destruction of Jewish-owned businesses and violence against Jews. This occurred on the night of November 9 going on into November 10, 1938, and was called "Kristallnacht," or "The Night of Broken Glass." It was public violence by masses of people, not a specific campaign ordered by Hitler. However, Nazi officials did tell police and firefighters to do nothing -- to let the violence and destruction occur. The next day, Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi minister of propaganda, said that this sort of eruption against the Jews was natural and understandable. He said: "It is an intolerable state of affairs that within our borders and for all these years hundreds of thousands of Jews still control whole streets of shops, populate our recreation spots and, as foreign apartment owners, pocket the money of German tenants, while their racial comrades abroad agitate for war against Germany."
So while Hitler and the Nazi government did not officially order Kristallnacht to happen, they allowed it and endorsed it when it occurred.