Most people prefer to pay health insurance premiums rather than pay out-of-pocket for medical expenses because

people are cautious and believe they are less likely to get sick if they have health-insurance coverage.
doctors and hospitals always provide better care to people who have health insurance.
people still feel more secure with a health insurance policy, even though out-of-pocket costs are often lower.
medical costs can be extremely high, and insurance is more affordable than paying out-of-pocket for a hospital stay.

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Medical costs can be extremely high, and insurance is more affordable than paying out-of-pocket for a hospital stay.

Most people prefer to pay health insurance premiums rather than pay out-of-pocket for medical expenses because medical costs can be extremely high, and insurance is more affordable than paying out-of-pocket for a hospital stay. Premiums are much more affordable over paying out-of-pocket expenses in most situations. Not only are they more affordable monthly, they keep you insured for something to hapepn that is not planned. Most people do not plan a hospital stay (unless it's a child being delivered) so there is no way to really acurately save for this type of expense.