During the medieval era, individuals who attempted to rise socially—whether through marriage or employment—were often regarded with suspicion. In what ways does Dioneo’s “Tenth Story” reveal evidence of these social class suspicions? Is social class a problem in Dioneo’s “Tenth Story” and how is it addressed in general? Your answer should be at least one hundred words.

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Dioneo’s "Tenth Story" mainly revolves around a man in name of Gualteri who  later became the Marquis of Saluzzo. He did not get married and used to spend most of his time hunting which got his people worried.

He told the villagers that he will get married only if they all allow him to marry the woman he wanted, Griselda. But then he hurt Griselda in a number of ways such as he let a maid take their child to be given to a kinsman which can be regarded as a social class suspicion for an individual who attempted to rise socially.

In this story, we learn about Gualtieri, a marquis who is looking for a bride. However, although the normal thing would be for him to marry a high-born lady, he instead choses a common girl. The girl's name is Griselda. Griselda is beautiful, kind and noble, and she has all the qualities that could be desired in a wife. However, Gualtieri is suspicious about her still. This could be seen as evidence of the medieval suspicion of an individual who attempted to rise socially. Gualtieri puts her through several cruel and humiliating tests, until Griselda passes all of them and is finally appreciated for who she is.