Respuesta :

Community, society...




People in a society need rules and laws to live peaceful lives.

While society has advanced, individuals are as yet the moderately crude, and differed, animals that we were 10 thousand years back.  

It is anything but difficult to accept that individual people are fit for extraordinary harmony and serenity, in any case, indeed, no man, lady or youngster is an island unto themselves. On the off chance that you remove society, at that point you have an animal that must chase to eat, murder to endure and rest consistently in dread. Society permits us to have extravagances and crisp running water and TV and loveseats and delicate fleecy beds.  

"Rules" and "laws" ARE society. They are understandings among gatherings to carry on with a particular goal in mind and it is in these standards and laws that we demonstrate regard to each other, gain every others trust and in this manner ensure what is our own alongside what is "his".