A muddy stream quickly flows downhill. When it reaches a flatter area, the steam moves more slowly, and the water clears. Explain why the stream changes appearance

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When the stream is flowing downhill the gravitational force is exerted on it and it moves faster as compared to flatter area where there is no gravitational force occuring on it, the stream contains mud when it is flowing downhill because water causes erosion when flowing faster and it contains alluvium which is mixture of sand,clay,mud and other materials.


The stream flows quickly downhill because of the gravitational pull which is exerted on it by the gravity of the Earth but in flatter area no gravitational force is there.

When water flows down a slope, it manages to gather in small materials on the surface along with it .A stream's speed, determines its ability to cause erosion . This moving water excites the process of erosion, which is the continuous wearing off the Earth through the effect of wind and water.Therefore the water running downhill is not clear as the water running in flat area.


It moves slower because it isn't as steep and gravity slows it down. And it changes appearance because the water can't hold as much sediment since it is more shallow.


The muddy creek runs rapidly downhill because of the steep relief and lack of restraint, however when it reaches the flat part the creek moves slower because it does not have the influence of gravity on a steep substance. In addition, a stream does not have deep water, so all the subject that was in the water was retained as the water moved, so it was clean.