1. Describe how crops are genetically modified.
a) Create a slide titled Genetic Modification Process.
b) On the slide, define genetic engineering. c) Describe how DNA is changed for use in genetic engineering.
d) Include an image that relates to the concept being discussed on the slide.
e) Place text in the notes section below the slide explaining the information presented on the slide. This text will act as the script for your presentation

2. List and explain positive impacts of genetically modified crops
a)Create a slide titled Positive Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops.
b) On the slide, make a bulleted list of the positive impacts of genetically modified foods on society
and the environment.
c) Include a brief explanation of each positive impact.
d) Include an image that relates to the concept being discussed on the slide.
e) Place text in the notes section below the slide explaining the information presented on the slide.
This text will act as the script for your presentation.

Respuesta :

So i made a slide show for you but i can't get it to attach to this but this is what i had;

SLIDE 1: Genetic Modification Process:


  • GENETIC ENGINEERING: Is the deliberate modification of the characteristics of an organism by manipulating its genetic material.
  • DNA is changed by combining  different organism genomes  together so it can be used  in genetic engineering

SLIDE 3: Positive Impacts Of Genetically Modified Crops:


Can be used to make “designer crops”

  • More nutrients, grow quicker

Easier for farmers to grow

  • Engineered to grow in challenging environments  have a greater resistance to insects

Can be shipped to remote areas

  • Produces 17% more food so the extra food  can be shipped to rural  populations that have fewer  food resources.

PICTURE (the one with corn at the bottom)

If there is something that i did not answer for you just let me know and i will try my best to answer

Ver imagen callieringelberg
Ver imagen callieringelberg