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Even though child health care can be expensive, all children should have health insurance. Without health insurance children can go without the care they desperately need to stay healthy. Children have a high risk of getting sick or hurt, but without insurance they won’t get the help they require. Children have shots, routine checkups, and physicals, throughout their lives. The doctor visits are necessary to make sure the child is healthy and to make sure the child is okay. A child with no health insurance could go without the medication he or she needs to survive and live a healthy life. For instance, if a child got stung by multiple wasps and they are allergic to the venom, that child would need and epi-pen to help fight the reaction. “EpiPen is the brand name of a device that delivers the drug epinephrine, which is a life-saving medication used when someone is experiencing a severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis.” An EpiPen has to be prescribed by a doctor to the patient. An EpiPen could save the child’s life. Another life risking sickness is Whooping Cough. This cough can be prevented and cured through, vaccines and antibiotics. “Before the vaccine was developed, whooping cough was considered a childhood disease. Now whooping cough primarily affects children too young to have completed the full course of vaccinations and teenagers and adults whose immunity has faded.” The Whooping Cough can result in death without the right medication and the vaccines. Children with no health insurance tend to go without their vaccines and are at a higher risk for catching, spreading, and dyeing from diseases. Children tend to get hurt playing, running, walking, and jumping. They also have a habit of getting sick. A child that has no health insurance and has a broken or sprained bone can go without the care they need to heal the bone. “Inadequate stabilization of the fracture: Stabilization is one of the key parts of treating broken bones. If the fracture wasn't able to be set properly, a nonunion might result. Sometimes a cast is not enough, and the fracture must be stabilized with screws, rods, plates, etc.” If the bone or sprain does not heal or set right it can cause damage down the road. If a child has a broken bone and it is not treated right it can cause damage to that bone for the rest of their lives. “A broken bone in a child is different from one in an adult, because young bones are more flexible and have a thicker covering, which makes them better able to absorb shock. Children’s fractures rarely require surgical repair. They usually just need to be kept free of movement, most often through the use of a molded cast.” Children with no health care do not get the care and proper equipment they need to stay healthy. The child with no health insurance has a greater risk of their bones not healing or growing correctly, than with children with health care insurance As children grow up they have routine visits and checkups with the doctor. The Doctor gives the child those shots, medication, and tools needed to stay healthy. Children need vaccines to help their body fight off harmful diseases. “Vaccines stimulate the immune system to react as if there were a real infection — it fends off the "infection" and remembers the organism so that it can fight it quickly should it enter the body later.” Any child that goes without the proper vaccines have a risk of catching diseases and getting sick more often. The vaccines help the body fight off harmful bacteria. “Health professionals stress that these regular exams are important to help identify risk factors and problems before they become serious. If diseases are caught early, treatments are usually much more effective.” If a disease or illness is caught early enough the child has a better chance to fight off the diseases. If the illness is a death risk the doctor has a greater chance in helping saving the child and the child living longer. If the child does not have health insurance the doctor would never see the child and be able to pinpoint or determine if something is wrong. All children should require and have health insurance. Health insurance may be expensive but it can also save a child’s life. Children without health insurance have a higher rate of sickness, broken bones not healed right, and death. Children should see the doctor every year, get their shots, and have checkups throughout the year. Health insurance saves children’s lives.