Respuesta :
Siddharta Gautama left his princely life to solve the problem of human pain and suffering. He gave us the eightfold noble path as a way to find nirvana.
Siddharta studied the nature of the disease, old age, pain and death. On one occasion he met a "sadhu" (Hindu ascetic saint) and was very impressed by his calm and peace. As a result of this encounter, Siddharta Gautama decided to leave the opulent life behind and left the palace in the hope of being able to seek the truth about human existence. Siddhartha walked for approximately six years, meditating and learning from spiritual guides in northern India.
"Nirvana" is the moment in which one can escape the cycle of rebirth since birth, life and death are considered to be suffering. Nirvana cannot be achieved in this world, but if people stop worrying about the "self", a person can run away from the pain of life.
In his first sermon, Siddharta Gautama spoke of the path that will lead to the end of pain and called it the "Eightfold Path":
- Straight vision
- Straight intention
- Straight speech
- Straight action
- Straight occupation
- Straight effort
- Straight attention
- Straight concentration