Proyecto: Un día típico de tu personaje From sun up to sun down, you’re going to describe what a typical day for your Spanish speaking character looks like. Make sure you take into account where your Spanish speaking character is from as this will really affect what their daily activities and schedule look like. La cultura es diferente en cada país. Por ejemplo, if your character is from Spain they will probably go home in the middle of the day to eat a big meal with their family and take a break (o en otras palabras, ¡una siesta!). If they’re from Argentina, they might drink mate with friends (¡qué rico!). Do a little research on the culture of your character to inspire your description of their typical day. Pay particular attention to what a normal schedule would look like in your character’s country, ¡especialmente cuando comen ellos! Make sure you brush up on your irregular verbs because they will be a big part of this project. ¡Una pista! Only write in Spanish. Don’t write in English first and then translate. This is a bad habit to get into as the goal is to train your brain to start thinking in Spanish. Plus, in English you’ll write way above your Spanish level which can become very frustrating when you’re trying to translate it later. Instead, start from Spanish and only use what you know how to say. Don’t try to use structures that you haven’t studied yet (that will lead to mistakes!). It’s OK to look up a few words here and there in a dictionary, but first, try to use the words that you do know, because you know a lot already! Finally, be creative! Instead of thinking Ugh! I don’t know how to say this exactly how I want!!! Think, How can I express the same idea with words that I do know? There’s more than one way to say something :)

Respuesta :

Un día particular de un profesor universitario en Venezuela,  país de habla hispana situado al norte de la América del Sur, comienza por levantarse temprano, tomar el desayuno en casa y luego salir a dar clases en la Universidad. Dependiendo del horario asignado, este profesor comparte primero sus ideas con los demás miembros o profesores de su Facultad.

Luego de terminada su jornada matutina, va a su casa a almorzar con su familia, normalmente a las 12 del mediodía y toma una siesta de media hora para después regresar a la Universidad a las 2 de la tarde.  Cuando sale de su trabajo, aproximadamente a las seis de la tarde se reúne de nuevo con su familia con la que acostumbra a cenar a las siete de la noche para luego ver la televisión junto a sus seres queridos.  

Los fines de semana, este profesor universitario suele visitar los centros comerciales, ir al cine, compartir con el resto de los familiares y preparar las clases que dictará la próxima semana. Este es un día típico de un profesor universitario venezolano.