please help!! in my class i have to write an intro paragraph discussing a human rights issue from of mice and men, and include a thesis statement. does this look ok?

Of Mice and Men, a novel written by John Steinbeck, illustrates the importance and lack of equal rights, fair treatment, and opportunities that individuals with mental disabilities faced, and still do in today's society.
In the novel, this human rights issue is illustrated through the character Lenny, who lives with a mental disability. In that time, there were little to no rights for people that had mental disabilities; and for Lenny, who had no visible defects - and in fact was strong and physically very capable -
ultimately experienced harsher and unfair treatment when some discovered that he had a child’s mind. Despite his disability, Lenny, like many of those that have mental disabilities, was a loyal friend, and “... “sure a hell of a good worker. Strong as a bull.” "

Respuesta :

That sounds amazing! Thatś awesome. You know exactly who and what youŕe talking about, its great