
Manifest destiny was realized in the mid-1800s in various ways. With the Oregon territory, it was through negotiation. With the Southwest, it came from war with Mexico and taking the land. In your opinion, would such large territorial expansion be possible today for the United States? Why or why not?

Respuesta :

No. All the surrounding terrotory close to the US particularly Canada and Mexico are populated and extablished countries. The borders have been set by treaty and recognized for a long period. In the early 1800s the west was a vast open expanse of land that was claimed by other countries but was not being utilized in most cases.

Society and moral values have also changed greatly. The US today both its government and people would not support the conquest and taking land from other countries or peoples.

Yes—The United States is a wealthy nation with a powerful military.

No—Information travels quickly now and much of the world may condemn US aggression.

Much of the world is not lightly populated like western North America was in the 1800s.

The people of the United States might not support wars of aggression now.