What is the most important way the Aryans affected India? Write a brief essay that summarizes your ideas about their impact.

Respuesta :


The most important way,the Aryans affected India is by creating a new culture in India ,they introduced farming there ,they introduced iron tools ,they set up irrigation systems and most importantly they introduced Hinduism as religion and Sanskrit language.


Aryans were nomadic and they used to like wars. They were worshippers of a storm-god whose name was connected to A Greek God.They were the ancestors of Indo-Europeans.The aryans brought a completely new language and belief system to India.After being settled in India, the Aryans stopped being nomads and became farmers, they introduced farming tools and irrigation systems.The Aryans were responsible for the Indus Valley civilization. They drove out most of the original inhabitants of North India, called Dasyus.The Aryans brought many things to India, but one more important thing was their caste system, which involved them into caste system that is nowadays basic thing in the Hindu culture and religion.


The biggest influence of Aryans to India is Hinduism, a religion that majority of the population still practice up to present. They also influenced India to use iron tools. They taught Indians how to make weapons.                                           I hope this helps*