The document can be broken down into four parts. Introduction: States the purpose of the document, which was toexplain why the American people were declaring independence fromGreat Britain. Theory: The theory that there are certain immutable rightspossessed by all individuals and that these rights are not grantedby the government but rather inherent to human nature and that themain purpose of a benevolent government is to secure and protectthese rights. Additionally, that government is based on the consentof the governed (the people) who are the sole source of thisgovernmental authority. Finally, that should the governmentpersistently violate the principle of a proper and good government,then the people have the right to overthrow it. Grievances: The third part of the document is a list of grievancesagainst King George III, who was singled out to represent theactions of the British government. These grievances are examples ofactions that violated the criteria for good government stated inthe second part of the Declaration of Independence. Thesegrievances, therefore, justify separation from the King's badgovernment and establishment of a good government to replace it. Sovereignty: The fourth part of the document is an unqualifiedassertion of sovereignty by the United States of America. Itproclaims the determination of Americans to defend and maintaintheir independence and rights.
(Sorry this is so long)