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The Minor Prophets
Hosea--Story of Hosea and his unfaithful wife, Gomer. Represents God's love and faithfulness and Israel's spiritual adultery. Israel will be judged and restored.
Joel--Proclaims a terrifying future using the imagery of locusts. Judgment will come, but blessing will follow.
Amos--He warned Israel of its coming judgment. Israel rejects God's warning.
Obadiah--A proclamation against Edom, a neighboring nation of Israel that gloated over Jerusalem's judgments. Prophecy of its utter destruction.
Jonah--Jonah proclaims a coming judgment upon Nineveh's people, but they repented, and judgment was spared.
Micah--Description of the complete moral decay in all levels of Israel. God will judge but will forgive and restore.
Nahum--Nineveh has gone into apostasy (approx. 125 years after Jonah) and will be destroyed.
Habakkuk--Near the end of the kingdom of Judah, Habakkuk asks God why He is not dealing with Judah's sins. God says He will use the Babylonians. Habakkuk asks how God can use a nation that is even worse than Judah.
Zephaniah--The theme is developed of the Day of the Lord and His judgment with a coming blessing. Judah will not repent except for a remnant, which will be restored.
Haggai--The people failed to put God first by building their houses before they finished God's temple. Therefore, they had no prosperity.
Zechariah--Zechariah encourages the Jews to complete the temple. Many messianic prophecies.
Malachi--God's people are lax in their duty in God