Respuesta :
The purpose of writing a lab report mainly is to describe the results of your experiment and the learning outcome of your performed experiment as well.
Here are some important parts of a lab report:
Title Page:
It is not mandatory but it is good to add a title page for overall presentable formatting. It will include the title of your experiment, your name and also if there is a partner his name, the name of your lab as well as supervisor's name, along with the date experiment was performed.
It is few paragraphs long tat explains the main objectives of your experiment. It may also include the results as well as the hypothesis and barf conclusion of experiment.
Materials and Methodology:
This includes the protocols you followed for carrying out a certain experiment and also the main items you used to exectute the experiemnt like equipment, chemicals etc.
The numerical data you obtain from an experiment can look presentable if you write in the form of table.
It is just an representation of your data in forms of sentences that and results are close to predictable findings and how reliable they look.
Analysis or Discussion
Here you discuss your results that how they are similar or different to the experiments of similar nature that are already conducted. You can give your opinion as per your knowledge and interpret your results so that they make a sense for the reader.
Just conclude the report in one small paragraph that how your experiment accepted or rejected your hypothesis.
Figures or graphs:
You can include some figures and graphs that support your experiment.
Here you will add the links or citations of the work that helped you in carrying out experiment or writing the lab report like journal articles, website articles etc.
Hope it help!