Respuesta :
The carbohydrate is one of the most important nutrients needed in the diet of an athlete, as they are important to increase their performance during physical activity and exercise.
Carbohydrate is the main source of energy needed by the brain and by our body for its proper functioning. when carbohydrates are eaten up they are broken up into small sugar unit called as glucose.
These glucose unit are stored in the muscle and liver in the form of glycogen to be used as a fuel at the time of exercise and during intense physical activity. It is known to enhance the athlete performance by delaying the fatigue and help them to compete for a longer period of time.
Answer: Carbohydrates are one of the most important sources of energy for the living organisms. They serve as efficient energy fuels for the athletes who require energy for vigorous muscle contractions during their training.
Atheletes require lots of complex carbohydrates ( like starch) during training because the already stored form ( glycogen in liver and muscles) is broken down into simple sugar that is glucose, which is metabolized to fulfill the energy requirements. They allow to compete for longer times and do not cause fatigue in athletes.
Therefore, lots of complex carbohydrates are required in their diets.