A joint stock company was: _______________.

A)a charter

B)a document of laws

C)a group that financed expeditions for colonists

D)a colony in Virginia

E)a means of trade

Some people who didn't agree with the Puritans were:

A)New England Baptists

B)the Quakers

C)Anne Hutchinson

D)all of these

E)none of these

The Mayflower Compact was:

A)a group of laws to govern the Rhode Island colony

B)a document the Pilgrims made to govern their colony

C)a kind of springtime make-up

D)a joint stock company

E)the Great Migration

The Pilgrims and the Puritans: _______________.

A)practiced the same religion

B)were both part of the Separatist movement

C)were all wealthy people

D)all knew each other

E)were similar in a few ways and different in others

The New England colonists made their living by: ________________.

A)selling lumber


C)ship building


E)all of the above

In a representative government,: ____________________.

A)the people choose their representatives

B)the representatives speak for the people

C)the representatives make the laws for the good of all the people

D)all of the above

E)none of the above

The Great Migration was when thousands of Puritans all left England around the same time to practice their religion outside of England.

True or False

Subsistence farming is when a family only grows enough food for its own use.

True or False

All of the colonies that were settled by the English were successful.

True or False

The colonists who settled in New England found lots of gold, that made them wealthy.

True or False

The most successful of the colonies in New England was the Puritan colony.

Truth or False

The Native Americans were friendly with the colonists when they first came.

True or False

The people we call Native Americans were indigenous people.

Truth or False

The Navigation Acts were helpful to the colonists.

True or False

To this day, people in Massachusetts follow the Puritan way of life.

True or False

Explain why you think it was important for the Pilgrims to write the Mayflower Compact. (Writing)