what are some inventions of ancient china and how did they help china develop? (Just one paragraph please) If you do not know any advancements or inventions, here are some that I found that may help: Invented tea, advanced by finding other flavors of rice, invented gunpowder, discovered that coal could be used for fuel, invented paper, invented woodblock printing, invented paper currency, invented calligraphy, created steel (for needles, weapons, shields, farm tools, stoves, etc.) Thank you so much for the effort!

Respuesta :

Gunpowder, paper, printing, and the compass are sometimes called the Four Great Inventions of Ancient China. Kites were first used as a way for the army to signal warnings. Umbrellas were invented for protection from the sun as well as the rain. Chinese doctors knew about certain herbs to help sick people.

a few big ones were:

compass - ppl can travel long distance w/o getting lost. both on ground n water. very important 4 trade.

paper - allow ppl to write on. much more convenient than marking on stones. it led 2 passing n spreading of knowledge.

silk - very light but strong fabric made from silk worm. nice material dat got traded far away n hence the silk road.

gun powder - china invented black powder be4 everyone else. only prob was instead of using it in wars, they made fireworks 4 show.