Respuesta :
Information About the North
Information About the South
Climate and Geography
• Warm, humid summers and cold snowy winters
• Short growing season plus cold made farming difficult.
• Clear, fast rivers
• Coastline full of bays.
• Cities develop near rivers and bays.
• Cities develop as trading centers.
• People begin to use waterpower to run factories.
Climate and Geography
• Warm and sunny with long summers, mild winters. Lots of rain.
• Climate ideal for agriculture.
• Fertile soil ideal for growing crops.
• Huge population increase in the North between 1800 and 1860, mostly through immigration.
• Irish, German, and other Europeans mostly settle in North. Population
• Population of the South made up of Europeans (mostly from England and Scotland) and enslaved Africans.
• 1/3 of the population were slaves.
• Most southerners lived on small farms.
• Only 1/4 of farmers owned slaves.
• Large farms called plantations were owned by the wealthy few who owned most of the slaves.
• Cities develop in North as centers of trade.
• Factories were set up making textiles (cloth goods)
• Increase in factory work brought more people to live in the cities.
• Cities were crowded and dirty.
• Public education begun in cities for first time.
• Cities became important centers of art, culture, and education. Many city newspapers begun. Cities
• Most southerners lived on farms.
• There were very few large cities.
• Plantations were self-sufficient and became like small towns.
(Self-sufficient means being able to supply all of your needs.)
• The economy of the North was based on manufacturing.
• Many immigrants from Europe began working in factories and producing goods used by people in the North.
• Many factories began producing textiles (cloth) with the cotton grown in the South. Economy
• The economy of the South was based on agriculture.
• Cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar cane, and indigo (a plant that was used for blue dye) were sold as cash crops.
• Cotton became the most important crop after Ely Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin.
• More slaves were now needed to pick the cotton.
• Slavery became essential to the South’s economy.
• The culture of the North was determined by life in the cities.
• Both religion and education were organized.
• There were schools and churches in most towns.
• Very few boys, and almost no girls went on to secondary school.
• College was reserved for the wealthy.
• The culture of the South was determined by the upper class plantation owners and their families.
• Only children of plantation owners received any education.
• Small farmers had little or no education.
• The culture of the South revolved around plantation life.
• Canals were mostly in the North.
• The Erie Canal was a huge success.
• Most of the railroads were in the North.
• 30,000 miles of track was laid by 1850.
• Canals and railroads allowed northern businesses to grow. Transportation
• The South was still dependent on the steamship.
• Railroads existed, but far less than in the North.
The agricultural focus of each of the regions of the United States is North and South.
- The climate of the North is cold than to the South, which is warm and humid.
- The land in the North is rocky and unsuitable for farming.
- The soil in the South is fertile for growing crops. The South is known for plantations.
- The mountain range in the North is with forests and rocky landscape.
- Agriculture is more focused in the South because of its climate and soil.
- The North focus on industries and manufacturing goods.
- The North has proper transportation systems like railroads and roadways.
Therefore we can conclude that there are many differences and similarities between The North and South.
Learn more the North and the South here: