Please, answer correct.
Question 1
Dyslexia, Dsygraphia, and Dyscalculia are all forms of what?
Question 1 options:
A) Personality types
B) Attitudes
C) Creativity
D) Learning disabilities
Question 2
Which term does the following describe:
a behavioral problem
normal intelligence but difficult to maintain attention
active and restless most of the time
Question 2 options:
A) Dysgraphia
C) Dyscalculia
D) Dyslexia
Question 3
If a student's brain has difficulty processing information, this is considered...
Question 3 options:
A) a behavioral problem
B) a social development problem
C) a learning disability
D) a maladjustment
Question 4
In 2015-2016, how many students aged 3-21 were receiving special education services?
Question 4 options:
A) 3 million
B) 6.7 million
C) 1 million
D) 5 million
Question 5
What is the most prevalent type of disability?
Question 5 options:
A) learning disability
B) autism
C) emotional disturbance
D) orthopedic impairment
Question 6
Section 504 protects people with what?
Question 6 options:
B) jail time
C) disabilities
D) low grades
Question 7
If a student has a disability, but it does not impact her education does she qualify for educational accommodations under Section 504?
Question 7 Options:
A) yes, she has a disability
B) no, students with disabilities cannot receive a 504
C) no, she will not receive accommodations because her disability does not impact her education
Question 8
The child's disability must impact their education in order to qualify for educational accommodations.
Question 8 Options:
Question 9
What is an Individual Education Plan (IEP)?
Question 9 options:
A) a list of assignments the student needs to do
B) a document that list present levels of academic achievement and measurable annual goals for student with disability
C) plan given to all students that outlines what they need to do for the year and behavior expectations
D) school plan for how teachers will structure their classes for the year
Question 10
IDEA stands for:
Question 10 options:
A) Individuals Don't Ever Access
B) It Does Education Always
C) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
D) Individuals Develop Educational Access
Question 11
Co teaching model where both teachers are equally responsible and engaged in teaching the lesson to the entire class.
Question 11 options:
A) Parallel Teaching
B) Alternative Teaching
C) Team Teaching
D) One Teach, One Observe
Question 12
Co teaching model where one teacher instructs a group of students while the other teacher pre teaches or re teaches information.
Question 12 options:
A) parallel teaching
B) one teach, one observe
C) alternative teaching
D) station teaching
Question 13
Co teaching model where students move around in groups and each teacher teaches part of the lesson to the groups.
A) parallel teaching
B) one teach, one observe
C) one teach, one assist
D) station teaching