In his final soliloquy, which of the following does Faustus wish he could do in order to escape his fate? Select all that apply.
A. Stop time
B. Become air or water
C. Become an animal
D. Repent

Respuesta :

The answer would be... A, Stop time. That's how he escaped


A. Stop time


From the Latin soliloquĭum, a soliloquy is a reflection that is performed aloud and, often, alone. The concept is associated with the monologue and the parliament of this type that performs a character in a play.

Soliloquy is an uninterrupted discourse (that is, it does not appeal or allow an interlocutor to participate or respond) that transmits thoughts or emotions. It is a subjective declamation and psychological value because it allows access to the interior of the subject in question.

Despite its characteristics, the soliloquy can conceal a dialogue that the person maintains with himself, with an object or with a being incapable of speaking (like a plant or an animal). This resource allows the subject to externalize his feelings even when he is alone.