Read this excerpt from Little Brother and answer the following questions in complete sentences using proper grammar and punctuation: After a heated classroom discussion with his substitute teacher, Marcus is sent to the assistant principal's office. I went fast to Mr Benson's office. Cameras filmed me as I went. My gait was recorded. The arphids in my student ID broadcast my identity to sensors in the hallway. It was like being in jail. "Close the door, Marcus," Mr Benson said. He turned his screen around so that I could see the video feed from the social studies classroom. He'd been watching. "What do you have to say for yourself?" "That wasn't teaching, it was propaganda. She told us that the Constitution didn't matter!" "No, she said it wasn't religious doctrine. And you attacked her like some kind of fundamentalist, proving her point. Marcus, you of all people should understand that everything changed when the bridge was bombed. Your friend Darryl—" "Don't you say a word about him," I said, the anger bubbling over. "You're not fit to talk about him. Yeah, I understand that everything's different now. We used to be a free country. Now we're not." "Marcus, do you know what 'zero-tolerance' means?" I backed down. He could expel me for "threatening behavior." It was supposed to be used against kids who tried to intimidate their teachers. But of course he wouldn't have any compunction about using it on me. "Yes," I said. "I know what it means." "I think you owe me an apology," he said. I looked at him. He was barely suppressing his sadistic smile. A part of me wanted to grovel. It wanted to beg for his forgiveness for all my shame. I tamped that part down and decided that I would rather get kicked out than apologize. In a paragraph of at least three sentences, describe a conflict you have experienced. Identify the choice you had to make. Explain how this conflict changed you.

Respuesta :

Once I had a conflict  at primary school.I was in 4th grade.Every summer , during the afternoon on weekends, my parents used to take a nap and as I did not wat to do so, I went to the bookshelf and randomly took some book to read.I was just 9 and found Romeo and  Juliet.I read it, I did not understand very much about love but I could see this boy and girl could not make it happen and it saddened me.When I went back to school and the teacher asked about our summer activities , I told her what I had read.She said I was a lier, that I should be ashamed.They called mum , who happened to be a teacher too.She asked the principal and my teacher-Did you ask the girl about the play'?How could you tell she was lying?-The room was in silence and my mum left.I started loving Shakespeare ever since and I became a teacher.I believe in what my students  say and I never accuse them of anything without proof.