Senator. Imagine you are a senator in favor of the Eighteenth Amendment. Imagine three reasons why another senator might vote against the Eighteenth Amendment. How would you counter or rebut each point with evidence or a reason that might persuade your opponent to change his/her vote? Reason: Rebuttal:

Respuesta :

1. Reason: The amendment will not really stop the sale of liquor, it will only drive it underground.

Rebuttal: The police is capable of addressing the underground business, and the fact that it is underground means it will reach less people.

2. Reason: Alcohol can be addictive, and it is better to help addicts with rehabilitation, rather than criminalize their behaviour.

Rebuttal: We can do both actions. Addicts do need rehabilitation, but buyers and sellers need punishment.

3. Reason: Complete prohibition is too harsh. It would be better to not ban alcohol completely, but only the most intoxicating drinks (spirits).

Rebuttal: If something is morally wrong, we cannot tolerate even a little of it. Allowing it would be ethically wrong.


Reason for voting against the eighteenth amendment: Alcohol is used as something recreational and encourages social coexistence between friends and family, through something that allows people to have fun.

Refutation: Alcohol is not the only way to have fun and there are more uplifting and safer ways to promote social interaction between friends and relatives, which can even be more beneficial without alcohol.

Reason for voting against the eighteenth amendment: Prohibiting alcohol does not prevent people from finding alternative ways to buy and use it. This ban will promote civil disobedience, increase the rate of crime and smuggling, in addition, alcohol will be sold without any inspection of hygiene and sanitary conditions.

Refutation: It is the role of the police to stop the illegal sale of alcohol and increase the crime rate, smuggling, among others. The government is able to establish full police oversight across the country, preventing these problems from occurring.

Reason for voting against the eighteenth amendment: Alcoholic beverage companies have a fundamental role in the economy, as they promote not only the payment of taxes, but the labor law of many people. If these companies are closed, all employees will be unemployed.

Refutation: Companies can take advantage of their employees by changing the line of business and starting to produce another type of product. That way, nobody gets unemployed and still moves the local economy.


The eighteenth amendment was primarily responsible for establishing dry law in the USA. It entered vigos in 1919 prohibiting the sale of alcoholic drinks throughout the country. Subsequently, in 1933 it was discredited and replaced by the twenty-first amendment, which determines the factors necessary for the replacement of the president of the republic.