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The priests were corrupt and idolatry was widely practiced.

Samuel 3:11-18 And Jehovah went on to say to Samuel: “Look! I am doing something in Israel which if anyone hears about, both his ears will tingle. On that day I shall carry out toward E′li all that I have said respecting his house, from beginning to end. And you must tell him that I am judging his house to time indefinite for the error that he has known, because his sons are calling down evil upon God, and he has not rebuked them. And that is why I have sworn to the house of E′li that the error of the house of E′li will not be brought to exemption from punishment by sacrifice or by offering to time indefinite.”

And Samuel continued lying down until the morning. Then he opened the doors of Jehovah’s house. And Samuel was afraid to tell E′li of the appearing. But E′li called Samuel and said: “Samuel, my son!” At this he said: “Here I am.” And he went on to say: “What is the word that he has spoken to you? Do not, please, hide it from me. May God do so to you and so may he add to it if you should hide from me a word of all the word that he has spoken to you.” So Samuel told him all the words, and he did not hide anything from him. At that he said: “It is Jehovah. What is good in his eyes let him do.”

Majority of the Israelites were either practicing wrongdoing of condoning it. Once his judgement was rendered on the house of Eli, they were able to worship purely but the nation as a whole was still serving pagan gods. It wasn't till over 20 years later, at Samuel’s exhortation, the Israelites abandoned idolatrous worship and began serving Jehovah alone. Subsequently, Samuel had the Israelites assemble at Mizpah. Taking advantage of the situation, the Philistines invaded. Becoming fearful, the sons of Israel requested that Samuel call to Jehovah for aid. He did so and also offered up a sucking lamb in sacrifice. (1Sa 7:2-9)