Respuesta :

The lowest of all social status positions were the peasant or serfs; but not everything was bad news for them since besides working in the fields for long hours, servicing the Church the serfs had time for entertainment in the activities that often took place in their town.  A small town of peasants often was of a couple hundred people.  

The next are the merchants, farmers and the craftsmen. They produce goods that the Monarchs or Nobles could buy. Anyways, the merchants, farmers or craftsmen usually had a higher education, thus earning a better living than their counterparts, the peasants and serfs. The craftsmen would generally pass down the knowledge to their sons and made items that were much needed, like Archer bows and Artillators. A fun fact about this social class was that in most cases, the family´s surname indicated what skill they possessed.  

On the next step, we have the Knights or vassals. Some members of this class were either members of the clergy or a trusted member of the nobility. Let’s remember that in Europe during the Middle Ages, feudalism was the type of government and this was the reason for all of these social classes. A Vassal had a lot of responsibilities, including but not limited to being an assistant or second in command with their immediate lord. Also, they had to serve any member of the clergy or to the King. If that wasn’t enough, they also had to maintain the manor of their feudal lord, and make sure the day to day activities were met. You

The next in the pyramid of social classes, and second to the top, were the Nobles. They possessed a higher level of knowledge in regards to the majority of the population. But generally, they’re fortunes were hereditary, meaning that the money they owned was passed down from generations, which gave them a huge head start in comparison to the rest of the people. The Nobles thought that they had a natural right to obtain positions of power or influence because of their family.

The final step in the social pyramid is what’s known as the Monarchy. This class was the highest power /authority, and you must be a relative to the King or person ruling but by blood in order to be part of this social class.  


we have the Knights or vassals. Some members of this class were either members of the clergy or a trusted member of the nobility. Let’s remember that in Europe during the Middle Ages, feudalism was the type of government and this was the reason for all of these social classes. A Vassal had a lot of responsibilities, including but not limited to being an assistant or second in command with their immediate lord. Also, they had to serve any member of the clergy or to the King. If that wasn’t enough, they also had to maintain the manor of their feudal lord, and make sure the day to day activities were met.
