Scenario 1 Local law defines the speed limit as 45 miles per hour on local roads. The law outlines punishments by charging fines for those who drive faster than the speed limit. Signs post this law on most roads. Local police stop a man traveling 67 miles per hour. He apologizes and says he did not see a speed limit sign. The officer gave him a ticket and told him he will have to appear in court since he was going so fast.
Is this a matter of...
A) Constitutional law
B) Criminal law
C) Civil law
D) Military law

Respuesta :


Civil law


Civil law deals with the behavior that constitutes an injury to an individual or other private party,such as corporation.Examples are defamation,breach of contract,negligence resulting to injury or death and property damage.

With over-speeding its a form of negligence that may result to injury or death and may even damage property if an accident happens.In civil cases,they are always decided by judges and the punishment is almost always consist of monetary awards and not consist imprisonment.