Respuesta :

he was said to be a sorcerer and was eventually executed.

Galileo Galilei, at the beginning of 17th century, used the telescope to study celestial bodies, like the planets, the Moon and the Sun. His observations provided evidence for the Heliocentric model, in which the sun is at the center of the solar system, against the old geocentric model, in which the Earth is at the center. The latter was the traditional model held by the Church, because it was in accordance with the scriptures, and since Galileo's observations challenged this model, and therefore challenged the authority of the scriptures and the Church, he was judged under several charges and his statements were declared to be heretic. Galileo regretted publicly of his asseveration to avoid the capital punishment and, instead, was condemned to house arrest for the rest of his life. It is said that after he was forced to reject that the Earth moves around the Sun, he said "Eppur si muove" -And yet it moves-.