Respuesta :

It is known that the figures related to casualties in WWI are not completely precise. Statistics vary to a great extent; with numbers that go from 9 million to over 15 million total deaths. These numbers include combat related deaths, accidents, disease and imprisonment related deaths, as well as civilian deaths.

In the excerpt, the narrator gives a real life picture of what war is, how the deceased are not just bodies but human beings: "above such shattered bodies there are still human faces in which life goes its daily roun". He/she questions people's ability to put such slaughter into numbers, as if deaths were no more than that. Thus, this idea becomes clear when the narrator puts the controversy of such act into words: "how senseless is everything that can ever be written, done, or thought when such things are possible".

Answer:It is known that the WWI casualty figures are not entirely accurate. The figures vary greatly from 9 million to over 15 million deaths. The statistics vary greatly. The figures include fatalities, accidents, deaths from illness and imprisonment, and civil deaths.

The narrator gives a real picture in the excerpt of what war is, of the death not only corpses, but also human beings: "There are still human face above such shattered corpses in which life is going through everyday life.' He/she questions the ability of people to put these massacres in numbers, just as if deaths were nothing more. So when the narrator places the co this idea becomes clear.
