
List each type of sepsis, identify causes of each, list prevention techniques, and compare and contrast each type

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Sepsis refers to a life-threatening issue of the infection. It takes place due to the immune reaction to the bacterial infection that invades the blood. It usually results in injury or organ failure. The following are the kinds of sepsis:  

1. Lung sepsis (Pneumonia)

2. Urinary tract sepsis (Kidney infection)

3. Gastrointestinal sepsis (Abdominal infection)

4. Bloodstream sepsis (Septicemia)

The causes of sepsis: Any infection can result in sepsis if not treated properly. The infectious agent passes via the blood and leads to sepsis of any parts of the body. It can be caused due to bacterial infections, fungal infections, old age problems, drug-resistant bacteria, and a weakened immune system.  

Some of the preventive measures for sepsis are as follows:  

1. Taking vaccinations

2. Practice good hygiene

3. Proper care for wounds

4. Safe water and sanitation

5. Eating probiotics

6. Proper treatment for infections

Lung sepsis: Also known as pneumonia, is an infection in the lungs. It is caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. It is a hospital-acquired infection. Some of the symptoms of pneumonia sepsis are fever, cough, sweating, muscle pain, and chest pain. It is treated with the help of antibiotics.  

Urinary tract sepsis: It causes urosepsis. It majorly affects women and men in ICU. The symptoms are a pain in the lower back, fever, vomiting. nausea decreased urine output. The treatment for urinary tract sepsis is antibiotics, apart from that intravenous fluids, oxygen, and other medications are taken.  

Bloodstream sepsis: It is also known as blood poisoning. It is life-threatening and can spread to different parts of the body. The symptoms include dizziness, low blood pressure, dehydration, confusion, and joint pains. This is also treated with the help of antibiotics administered intravenously.  

Gastrointestinal sepsis: It is also known as peritonitis. It is caused due to the presentation of an infection into the sterile peritoneal environment due to organ perforation, and may also result due to other irritants like foreign bodies, gastric acid from a perforated ulcer, bile from a lacerated liver or from a perforated gallbladder. The symptoms of the condition are abdominal pain, fever, bloating, and loss of appetite, low urine output, diarrhea, and thirst. It is also treated with the combination of antibiotics.