from the book- To kill a mockingbird-
According to what Maycomb county holds important in their county, what are the Radley's doing all wrong?

Respuesta :

The Radley’s family and property are full of mystery and fear. People from Maycomb think that even their pecan trees are poisoned. Kids think their yard swallows balls and the Afro-Americans also have suspicions about the family. There’s a member of the Radley’s family - Boo Radley - that doesn’t show up outside many times, because of that he becomes a figure of superstition in that town.

This house and the manners people from this city treat people who do not act like they think they should show the reader how discriminating people from this place are with different manners.

"In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird", Maycomb county is important because the trail brings the community together. The people from Maycomb gather to follow the trial.

Believe it or not, the trial means the first steps to produce a change in the moral of the community of Maycomb, although finally Tom Robinson is found guilty.

Boo Radley is kind of the counterpart character of Tom Robinson in the novel. The prejudice of the people makes both persons be feared because one is considered to be a killer and the other is accused of raping a woman.

Boo -emotionally mistreated by his father- is one of the symbolism of a mockingbird in the novel. He seems to be a good guy but living with the consequences of prejudices from his fellow beings.

Universidad de Mexico