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Both short literature pieces deal with the juxtaposition of the good and the evil feelings that hide beneath the human’s good established nature by religion and society. On the one hand, Edgar Allan Poe’s poem makes emphasis on human nature itself and how society different norms and tendencies morph people into something evil. For instance when the author explained the good nature of beings by caring and protecting vulnerable animals since we are kids, to become insensitive, and intemperate when we become adults –to be more specific when committing sins such as being an excessive alcohol consumer- all this by using the concept of Fiend intemperance, an excessive behavior that unleashes evil from people.  

Similarly, Hawthorne symbolized the Black veil as the secret sin humans carried with them due to some’s terrible human nature. It represents the darkness people carry in their hearts since being born. For example, Mr. Hooper’s sin and how he as Everyman are bearing his forlorn destiny with the end goal to depict a terrible truth; and there is the certain one of human awkwardness, with Hooper's activities out of all extent to need or advantage from it. So that it rather than the sins people carry it explains human fallibility in different religious and societal sense.  

In brief, both works analyze human nature flaws progression, and how society, as we grow corrupts or in some way, releases the evil inside each person.