Respuesta :
In Spanish, if you want to conjugate a verb, you need to determine first which is the subject (yo, tú, él, ella, eso, nosotros/as, vosotros/as, ellos/as) in the sentence, then the verbal tense (present, future, past participle, gerund…), and the mode (if it is imperative, indicative or subjunctive) as well.
In this exercise, almost all the verbs are in present tense. If also the verb is regular (ends in AR, ER, IR), we just have to know the following rules:
Regular verbs with ER
Change ER to:
•Yo: o
•Tú: es
•Él, Ella, eso: e
•Nosotros/as: emos
•Vosotros/as: éis
•Ellos/as, Ustedes: en
Regular verbs with AR
Change AR to:
•Yo: o
•Tú: as
•Él, Ella, eso: a
•Nosotros/as: amos
•Vosotros/as: áis
•Ellos/as, Ustedes: an
Regular verbs with IR
Change IR to:
•Yo: o
•Tú: es
•Él, Ella, eso: e
•Nosotros/as: Imos
•Vosotros/as: ís
•Ellos/as, Ustedes: en
Well, now that is clear. Let’s begin with the exercises following the rules listed above:
SARA ¿En qué (1) piensas (pensar)?
In this case the subject is Tú
ANA (2) Pienso en el fin de semana. Quiero ir a un concierto con
unos amigos.
In this case the subject is Yo
SARA ¿Qué (3) lees (leer)?
In this case the subject is Tú
ANA (4) Leo una novela de Mario Benedetti.
In this case the subject is Yo
SARA ¿Qué (5) bebes (beber)?
In this case the subject is Tú
ANA (6) Bebo una soda.
In this case the subject is Yo
SARA ¿Qué (7) escribes (escribir)?
In this case the subject is Tú
ANA (8) Escribo unos apuntes para el ensayo de literatura.
In this case the subject is Yo
SARA ¿De qué te (9) ríes (reír)?
In this case the subject is Tú
ANA (10) ¡Me río de tus preguntas!
In this case the subject is Yo
Sentences (9) and (10) are a special case, reír is an irregular verb, and does not follow the rules. For this specific irregular verb, its conjugation in simple present, indicative mode is:
• Yo: río
• Tú: ríes
• Él, Ella, eso: ríen
• Nosotros/as: reímos
• Vosotros/as: reís
• Ellos/as, Ustedes: ríen