Respuesta :
To all of those who have been wronged for so long,
I understand, and feel the pain you posses, I understand what may be running through your mind. Thoughts of “why are we even here”, or “what’s the point of your life, do you even have purpose.” To which I will answer your questions, and doubts. YOU DO have a purpose in life, a purpose that you may choose. Your purpose will no longer be determined by some insolent, and hateful white man. You, my friends are the ones with power, you possess the power to make your life whatever you see fit, so long as is abids by the law. Thanks to the law passed by our president, Abraham Lincoln, that states “Slavery nor involuntary servitude can be practices in America, unless forced as a punishment for a crime,” we are now able to be our own masters, our own creators of our future, and the future of this world. We shall no longer have these chains on us, these barriers of hatred and insolents are no longer a factor on our people. We have been suppressed for far too long, having to see our families not able to be as happy as they should. Friends, family, I share with you the same relief and appreciation because I have gone through it too, I’ve been through the pain, and I’m stilling living in it with you. It’s just that all we’re doing, and able to do is take not a step, but a leap forward, for our people, and this “country” (air quotes). My parents couldn’t even be acknowledged as a married couple in this so called “country”. Having to see your parents, your leaders, having to submit to being disrespected is something that, I don’t know about you (points and stares at crowd), but it’s something that enrages me to this very moment. But thankfully, with this new amendment, the Freedmen’s Bureau legalized “marriages and kept detailed records that are housed in the National Archives to this day.” Even those who were associated with the political party that was in favor, IN FAVOR of keeping us slaves, have seen how wrong they are. These Radical Republicans have said that they “believe blacks are entitled to the same political rights and opportunities as whites.” Republicans have agreed that our lives should be better than it has been, so we must not lose sight, we cannot lose our vision of a better life, for not only ourselves, but for the generations that follow ours. They have also stated that “The confederate leaders should be punished for their votes in the civil war.” BROTHERS AND SISTERS we cannot just walk away giving up hope when so much has been given to us, we have been given a gift of bettering our lives and we MUST seize this opportunity. I truly mean this when I tell you this, I love you all, and I see you ALL as my brother and sisters. Also, all of those people who choose to stand with us, are also my brother and sisters.
-Thank you all, take care and posses constantia, for one dynasty has ended but another one will begin.
This is about a slave who is speaking to his fellow blacks due to the events in the civil war.