Respuesta :
1. A. Africa
Currently, there are many regions africa that still involved in a civil wars that initiated by independent groups in order to take control of the government. Their economy is in a stagnation and the environment around them is not in a good condition. It is predicted that 10,000 deaths occurs because of political instability in Africa every year.
2. C) The water supply decreases because there are too many people
Water is regarded as the most important basic needs for humans. When a population increase in a certain area, the demand for water would also improve. This would cause a larger depletion in water shortage, leading the the decrease of water supply.
3. Incomplete, map needed.
4. Incomplete, map needed
5.The answer is: B. The Sahel
The sahel crossed more than 10 countries in Africa continents. Currently, the water reserve in the sahel is drying up in an alarming rate. This cause the process of desertification that makes many people in africa died from hunger.
6. incomplete, map needed
7. C. The desert Basin
The desert basin is extremely dry during the summers, which often lead to the lack of water reserve for the population. Because of this, the population would most likely spread out because they know that they would not obtain enough water to sustain themselves if they are concentrated in one location.
8. B.There are many different language and cultures in Africa
Currently, it is predicted that there are around 375 language spoken in Africa. The amount of cultures in africa is depended on the unique characteristics of the local tribe. Africa have approximately around 450 different cultures with their own unique characteristics.
9. D. Physical geography
Physical geography include tangible features that exist in a certain area. Physical geography of a certain area is formed naturally without the influence of humans and it was considered as a part of major sub-field in Geography.
10. B. Religion
Even though this is not the sole reason, religion become a large part of the conflict. There are a couple of difference exist in each of their holy bible and Both sides often used it to justify the act of violence that they throw to each other.
11. D. Saudi Arabia
A nation would be considered as a monarchy if its headed by Kings or Queens and the throne is passed down through bloodline. In this type of country, people cannot elect a leader by their own and usually the most power in the country is held by those from nobility background.
12. A. increasing fuel price
The territory that controlled by Al Qaeda contains the oil reserve that supply a large portion of world's oil demand. This cause an increae in fuel price especially for the countries that involved in the conflict due to the difference in ideology.
13. incomplete, picture needed
14. B. Niger River
TThis river is the third longest river in africa and responsible to maintain the well being of many type of biodiversities in Africa. This is so vital for Africa because it become the water source for large numbers of agricultural field in Africa (which is one of their strongest economic sectors)
15. B. Dictatorship
In a dictatorship, there is a single leader that can determine the creation of any type of laws that He want and the citizens do not have any power to change this leaders without revolution. It is a common practice for dictators to kills the citizens that are not willing to comply with their law.
16. A) Kurds are likely found in neighboring countries.
Due to the political instability that happen in their home countries, many of the Kurds decided to find asylum in other countries. Their neighboring countries would most likely receive the largest amount, but millions of the Kurds found their asylum in western nations (such as canada or germany)