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After the women´s right to vote in the 1920, and during World War I, men were sent to fight and that meant that a lot of spaces in the work force were left empty. That gave women a chance to enter the workforce in big numbers.  But, after men came back from war, they wanted to take back their jobs, which meant women had to return to their inferior-sounding place at home. It was clear and an unspoken rule that house and child care were women responsibilities.  

Men were losing their place in society and change was coming to women even in their style, as women started breaking conformity; they now had short hair, smoked, had big job places, and marriage was no longer essential, and instead, casual dating rose.  Driving and flying were seeing as exclusively for men, and after a long battle in time, women took over. Then came birth control which gave women even more power to choose over their bodies and their life. It was also a fact that women –especially those who were moms –volunteered more than men,  which meant that not only were women entering the workforce, but also all those organizations that sought volunteering work. Women were breaking stereotypes and started working in places that were previously not able to access.  

Another notable fact is that the more women participated in the workforce, the better the economy was. This can be seen in countries like Australia, Bangladesh, Mexico, and the United States. Motherhood was also changed, when birth control came along, this fase was seen as an option which women had even more control over now. Also, as female organizations grew, so did their rights. Women became more politically involved which led to a victory in rights obtained. On the other hand, during the 1970´s, the growth of women in the work field was due more to the economic need, than the economic growth, after the single household income was no longer able to support a family´s needs. Both parents now had to work to meet their needs and this opened the door for women to enter the work field. The difference between male and female roles was vanishing ever so slightly.  


The participation of women in the workforce changed their role in American society because it showed and proved that women can do anything a man can do. It proved everyone wrong and the women made sure they took this chance seriously because women wanted to work and if they didn't it would make them look bad and they wouldn't be allowed to work anymore. The more woman in the workforce the better the economy was since more women equals more workers and more money. Female organizations grew and so did their rights. Women became more political and they obtained their rights.  Also in the 1920, after the women's right to vote, world war 1 came along, and men were sent to go fight, leaving work places and jobs empty so women volunteered to take over the men's jobs. This gave the women a chance to enter  in the workforce in big numbers. But after the war, men came home wanted their jobs back so the women had to go back home and be a stay at home mom and/or a stay at home women.  Men were losing their places in society and change became to women, from their style to their workforce. Even driving and flying was a huge breakthrough for women, after a long time women started to drive and fly. But, in the 1970's, the growth of women in a workforce was due more to economic needs than economic growth. Which led the house income to fall so the man and women of the household had to work to meet their needs, which meant women started working even more causing more women workforce growth.