Respuesta :

Islam and all the other religions in the world are peaceful. I don't blame you for what you see on TV or in social media. Islam is a peaceful religion because if you really open your eyes and take a look, you'll see that there are Muslims who are just like us. Yeah, some Muslims can be religious like the one's who might cover their face but Islam or not they are still human. Now, you are probably wondering about the Muslim terrorists you see on the news and stuff. Well, not ALL Muslims are like that. Just because one Muslim is bad it doesn't mean that all the others are. Personally, we come to life once and we should all learn to forgive and love each other. It doesn't count as being a nice person, it counts as being HUMAN. For instance, it won't be fair for me to say that all the people who have long hair smell and it won't be fair for me to say that all the people who wear hijabs on their head are mean and cruel. It's not fair, right? It's not fair because if you say Muslims are violent and dangerous people, you are leaving out all the people who are Muslims THAT you never meant or even talked to. Again, not ALL Muslims are like the ones you see on TV and social media. In fact, many Muslims disapprove of the things the terrorists are doing. If you actually dig deeper, Muslims have a holy book and it's called the Qu'ran. The Qu'ran never spoke of killing people or doing anything bad. EVERY religion's holy book tells them to do good things. Honestly, every religion is peaceful and good. The only difference Islam has with each other religions is the fact that they have different customs. For example, Muslims pray 5 times a day and the girls wear hijabs on their head. Some are religious and cover their face. That's the basics. Every religion has bad people in them. Like, people are people, they choose what they WANT to do. The religion has nothing to do with it. Islam is once again a peaceful religion like any other religion.

I hope this helps:)