The following question refers to Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift. Why does Gulliver refuse to sit on the chairs he has made for the queen of Brobdingnag? because the chairs are too large for him because he prefers cushioned chairs to wooden chairs because he does not like to sit when spending time with the queen because the chairs are made from the queen’s hair

Respuesta :

He is angry with Gulliver because Gulliver refused to utterly destroy the Blefuscudians. ... He tells the emporer that Gulliver is costing him too much money, more than a million ..... A chair. Why does Gulliver refuse to sit on the chair he made?


  • because he does not like to sit when spending time with the queen because the chairs are made from the queen’s hair


In the seventh chapter, the King had shaved his hair and Gulliver had meshed the hair into seats just to fulfill the Queen of Brobdingnag's interest.  

Gulliver trusts that sitting on the ruler's seat would not be a good thing to do.