An example of change in the training principle of time is adjusting the?

duration you hold a stretch or perform a cardio activity
kind of exercise you perform
level of effort you use
number of days per week you participate in a physical activity

Respuesta :

1: it is A: slow and continous motion

2: I m not sure about it i guess it maybe 1-1 1/2 cups 

3: A: consume the same number of calories as they burn 

3. I would guess C: paired with a waist measurement is one possible method to determine if body weight is appropriate

4. A:  after the warm-up and after the cool down;  that is how I would do it during my years of competitive soccer 

5. I would guess A: duration you hold a stretch or perform a cardio activity


duration you hold a stretch or perform a cardio activity


Time is a principle that refers to the time you are active in an exercise. The term time is used interchangeably with the term duration, so it refers to the duration of exercise for an athlete. Simply put, we can say that an example of changing the principle of time training is adjusting the length of time you stretch or perform a cardio activity.

The principle of time is usually expressed in minutes, however, there are some exercise modalities (mainly bodybuilding), which where time is expressed as rhythm, speed or cadence that has an effect on the total volume of work performed on a given series of exercises. Exercises.